
2024-08-24 20:36:36


where dose he get off the train他在哪里下车get off下车;脱下(衣服等);脱(衣);下(马)例句:

1. "Nay, " he said, "you don't get off as easy as that, my lad. We've got to have afull account of this business. "“不行”他说,“小子,你休想这么便宜就脱身。

这件事你得向我们讲讲清楚。”2.I often get headaches, but they seem to pass off in a little while.我常常头痛,但不一会儿就止了。

3. All then stalked off in consternation, to get somebody as directed, without anyidea of who it was to be.这时,大伙儿惶惶然地轻手轻脚走开了,按照吩咐去找人,但压根儿也不明白该去找谁。

4. "I said: " The seat of the aunts not to get off it 我说:“那个让座的阿姨不是要下车了吗?”5.Sometimes, it seems as though civilian drivers merely failed to get off the roadfast enough.有时候,好像是平民司机离开道路的速度不够快。